Journal für Kulturpflanzen, 61 (2). S. 41–52, 2009, ISSN 0027-7479, DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2009.02.01, Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart (2025)

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The BBCH system to coding the phenological growth stages of plants – history and publications –

Das BBCH-System zur Codierung der phänologischen Entwicklungsstadien von Pflanzen – Geschichte und Veröffentlichungen –

Uwe Meier1, Hermann Bleiholder2, Liselotte Buhr3, Carmen Feller4, Helmut Hack5, Martin Heß6, Peter D. Lancashire7, UtaSchnock8, Reinhold Stauß9, Theo van den Boom10, Elfriede Weber11 and Peter Zwerger1


Julius Kühn-Institut – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen, Braunschweig1

formerly BASF AG , Limburgerhof2

formerly Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Kleinmachnow3

Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau, Großbeeren/Erfurt4

formerly Bayer CropScience GmbH, Leverkusen5

Bayer CropScience GmbH, Industriepark Höchst, Frankfurt6

Bayer CropScience GmbH, Monheim7

Bundessortenamt (BSA), Hannover8

Landesamt für Natur und Umwelt des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Flintbek9

formerly Bayer CropScience GmbH, Leverkusen10

formerly BASF AG, Limburgerhof11

Journal für Kulturpflanzen, 61 (2). S. 41–52, 2009, ISSN 0027-7479, DOI:10.5073/JfK.2009.02.01, Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart


Prof. Dr. Peter Zwerger, Julius Kühn-Institut – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen 38104 Braunschweig, Germany, Messeweg 11/12, E-Mail:


August 2008

Table of Contents




History of the BBCH coding system

The BBCH scale

The basic principles of the scale

Organisation of the BBCH scale

Graphical representations

Important scopes of uses of the BBCH scale


Leaflet series No. 27: “Growth stages of plants “ of the Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry

BBCH original publications in scientific magazines (Table 2)

Publications in press or preparation


Books or leaflets



The growth stages of development of many cultivated plants have been described by numerous scientists according to the principles of the extended BBCH scale within the last 19 years. The BBCH scales are now well- known worldwide and are used by research, administration and practise in agriculture and horticulture, as in the phenology as an integrative science in environment, meteorology and climatology.

This fact indicates that the basic objectives and hope have been reached, justifying the practical approach taken by the authors of this scale. The BBCH scale is a contribution to improve the communication between different groups of scientists and to allow the interchange of data and scientific results in a transparent way. The BBCH scales have turned out helpful and practical. The aim to cause the harmonisation in the application of decimal codes for the description of the phenological growth stages of plants and weeds was reached. They also fulfilled the hope of the initiators to contribute with it to the improvement of the international agrarian-scientific and interdisciplinary communication.

This paper will describe the history and background of the BBCH scales. The original publications are described and explained with reference of the original literature sources. The paper will describe the different area of use of the scales and list the different scientific disciplines using them. The worldwide success of the BBCH scales is the work of many scientists around the globe.

Key words: BBCHscale, phenologicalgrowthstages, BBCH publications, BBCH history

Die Entwicklungsstadien der wichtigsten Kulturpflanzen wurden in den vergangenen 19 Jahren von zahlreichen Wissenschaftlern nach den Prinzipien der erweiterten BBCH-Skala beschrieben. Die BBCH-Skalen sind inzwischen weltweit bekannt und werden von Wissenschaft, Administration und Praxis in Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau ebenso genutzt, wie in der Phänologie als integrative Wissenschaft im Bereich Umwelt, Meteorologie und Klimatologie.

Diese Tatsache weist darauf hin, dass Zielsetzung und Hoffnung, die seit dem Beginn der Arbeit damit verbunden waren, sich erfüllt haben. Die BBCH-Skalen haben sich als hilfreich und praktisch erwiesen. Das Ziel, die Harmonisierung in der Anwendung von Dezimalcodes für die Beschreibung der phänologischen Entwicklungsstadien von Kulturpflanzen und Unkräutern herbeizuführen, wurde erreicht. Sie erfüllten auch die Hoffnung der Initiatoren, damit zur Verbesserung der internationalen agrarwissenschaftlichen und interdisziplinären Kommunikation beizutragen.

In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll die Geschichte der BBCH-Skalen aufgezeigt werden, weil diese Einblick in die Hintergründe ihrer Entstehung und Entwicklung erlaubt. Alle Original-Publikationen werden mit ihren Literaturquellen zusammenfassend dargelegt. Die Arbeit soll die unterschiedliche Nutzung der BBCH-Skalen in den verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen dokumentieren. Es soll deutlich werden, dass der weltweite Erfolg der BBCH-Skalen vielen Wissenschaftlern rund um den Globus zu verdanken ist.

Stichwörter: BBCH-Skala, phänologischeEntwicklungsstadien, BBCH-Publikationen, BBCH-Geschichte

Phenology is the study of plant and animal life cycle events, which are triggered by environmental changes. Wide ranges of phenomena are included, from first opening of leaf and flower buds, to insect hatching and migration of birds are all examples of phenological events. Each one gives a measure of the environment as experienced by the affected organism. Thus, phenological events are ideal indicators of the impact of local and global changes in weather and climate on the earth's biosphere.

The observation and recording of phenological events has a long tradition. Xiaoqiu (2003) reports ancient records and literature, such as observations taken for up to 3000 years in China.This tradition is in close connection with the observation of the weather and its dependence on the seasons. Human knowledge and activities connected to what is now called phenology are probably as old as civilisation itself. Surely, soon after farmers began continuously to dwell in once place – planting seeds, observing crop growth and carrying out the harvest year after year – they quickly became aware of the connection of changes in their environment to plant development.

The history of phenology and its importance in the present and in the future is described by more than 50 scientists from different disciplines in the book of Schwartz (2003) Phenology: In integrative environmental science. Bruns, Chmielewski, van Vliet (2003) and Meier (2003) develop the relationship to modern agriculture, they recommend the BBCH system and the traditional meteorology and climatology.

History of the BBCH coding system

Like all scientific branches, the agricultural plant sciences are increasingly integrated into international networks. The exchange of new findings as a result of the work of international project teams needs a common understanding of the terms in use.

The need for a common understanding of terminology is also important for the description of the phenological growth stages of plants. The BBCH scheme is a good basis to satisfy this scientific demand.

During the past 70 years numerous authors have published descriptive development stage scales for different individual plant species. Troitzki (1925) studied the correlation between the occurrence and control of the apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum L.) and the phenological development of flower buds. The author divided the bud formation of the apple into three stages and twelve phases. This initial development scale for pome fruits was also used by Klemm (1937) and Soenen (1951, 1952) for their documentation on plant protection. On the basis of the work of Troitzki (1925), Fleckinger (1948) described the phenological development stages of pome fruit. He assigned the capital letters from A to I to the main stages and differentiated them by numbers from 1 to 4. This classification was widely used in science and practice until 1994. Based on the scale of Feekes (1941), Large (1954) published the first numeric code for cereals. Zadoks et al. (1974) presented an adjusted and refined numeric decimal scale for cereals and rice which is still in use by plant breeders.

The increasing international interconnections in crop research and the increasing electronic data processing of trial results required an international system with a standardised description and coding of the development stages of plants.

The Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA) published from 1979 until 1988 the leaflet series 27 (Meier, 1985) (Fig. 1). The structure of the individual scales was in general based on the publication of Zadoks et al. (1974). The BBCH coding system is an advancement of the Zadoks coding system, because it includes mono- and dikotyledoneous plants. A major disadvantage of the scales published by BBA was the missing direct comparability of homologous growth stages. By comparing the scales of different crops it can be shown that for the same growth stage a common code is missing. For example for the stage “full flowering” in maize it is stage 65, in rape it is stage 64, in sugar beet this stage is missing and grapes are already in full flower at stage 23. For trialists this is an enormous disadvantage in their daily work. During the period, 12 booklets were published with descriptions of the growth stages of individual cultivated plants. Each scale published by the BBA was based on the development characteristics of the plant described with the scale; no homology between the crops was achieved. At the same time the “Nachrichtenblatt für den Pflanzenschutz in der DDR” between 1985 and 1989 published the BBA codes of the crops on the reverse of the journal cover. Members of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the GDR in Bad Lauchstädt worked out a coordinated decimal code (KDC) for numerous crops, and published them as a booklet (Buhtz et al., 1990).

Fig. 1. The first leaflet No. 27/1: Groth stages of cereals – except maize (Entwicklungsstadien bei Getreide – außer Mais).

The second group consisted of staff members from four chemical companies which have been doing research in the agricultural field for decades. This group worked out a common scale for the description of the phenological growth stages for mono- and dicotyledonous plants. This concept was published by Bleiholder et al. (1989) and presented at the 47. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung (Bleiholder et al., 1990). This was the first time a uniform growth scale for mono- and dicotyledonous plants was published . The first publication of the BBCH codes of some specific crops (Bleiholder et al., 1989) quickly generated interest and was distributed internationally. This concept was then published in Spain (Bleiholder et al., 1991), Brazil (Bleiholder et al., 1991) and Great Britain (Lancashire et al., 1991).

In 1991 the different working groups formed a new common working group. The first outcome of this cooperative work was the publication of the principles of the enhanced general BBCH scale (Hack et al., 1992). Since 1992 members of this working group have published "extended BBCH scales for specific crops" with experts in each crop in various scientific magazines.

The descriptions of development stages for important crops were summarised in the book “BBCH-Monograph. Growth stages of plants – Entwicklungsstadien von Pflanzen – Estadios de las plantas – Développement des Plantes” edited by Meier (1997). The monograph describes the phenological development stages of 27 crops and wild plants in four languages (English, German, Spanish, French). In a separate book, Adamczewski and Matysia (2005) published the BBCH scales in Polish, after Gasowski and Ostrowska (1993) had published the BBCH scales for the first time in Polish. BBCH scales of numerous crops and weed were translated into the Russian and few in Ukrainian language and were published in specific crop production monographs by Spaar (Table 3). Compendiums were also published in different languages by Ciba-Geigy, Novartis and BASF (see Compendia) to help the trialists in the field easily identify the growth stages. These various publications contributed considerably to the world-wide practical use of the BBCH system in plant research and other disciplines such as climatology, and it solved interdisciplinary communication problems.

Table 3. Phenological growth stages of plants in Russian and Ukrainian language

- Growth stages of oilseed rape (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: production of rape. Moskau 1996, p 120-122 (russian)

- The general extended BBCH-scale of phonological growth stages of plants (BBCH-Code). Rape and turnip rape. Production, harvest and use. Moskau: DLV Agrodelo 2007, p 281-183 (russian)

- Growth stages of potato. Development of the tuber (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Potato production. Moskau 1997, p 227-231 (russian)

- Growth stages of potato. Development of the tuber (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: potato, production, harvest, storage. Moskau, DLV Agrodelo 2007, p 394-398 (russian)

- Growth stages of potato. Development of the tuber (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: potato, production, harvest, storage. Kiew 2006, p 418-422 (ukrainian)

- Growth stages of maize (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: maize, production, harvest, conservation, use. Moskau, DLV Agrodelo 2006, p 294-297 (russian)

- Growth stages of cereals (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: production of cereals. Moskau 1998, p 320-323 (russian)

- Growth stages of cereals (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: production of cereals. Moskau: DLV Agrodelo 2008, p 566-571 (russian)

- Growth stages of pea (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Grain legumes. Minsk 2000. p 238-241 (russian)

- Growth stages of faba bean (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Grain legumes. Minsk 2000. p 242-244 (russian)

- Growth stages of soy bean (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Grain legumes. Minsk 2000. p 245-250 (russian)

- Growth stages of phaseolus bean (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Grain legumes. Minsk 2000. p 251-253 (russian)

- Growth stages of sunflower (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Summer oil plants Minsk 1999. p 261-264 (russian)

- Growth stages of rape (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Summer oil plants Minsk 1999. p 651-267 (russian)

- Growth stages of linseed (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Summer oil plants Minsk 1999. p 268-269 (russian)

- Growth stages of sugarbeet (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: production of sugarbeet Minsk 1998. p 178-181 (russian)

- Growth stages of sugarbeet (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: sugarbeet. production, harvest and storage. Moskau: DLV Agrodelo 2006, p 268-271(russian)

- Growth stages of sugarbeet (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: sugarbeet. production, harvest and storage. Kiew: DLV Agrodelo 2005, p 299-302 (ukrainian)

- Growth stages of weed species (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: plant protection in sustainable systems of agriculture. Torshok 2003, Vol. 2, p 212-224 (russian)

- Growth stages of vegetables, pome,- stone- and berry fruits and grape and weed species (BBCH-Code). Ed. Spaar, D.: Ecologisation of plant protection of in the vegetable,- fruit- and grapeproduction. Vol. 2, 2005, Sankt-Petersburg-Puschkin p 162-228 (russian)

Spaar, D. (Ed.): Seed and plants of agricultural crops. Vol. 2, Berlin 2001 (russian):

Growth stages of cotton (BBCH-Code), p 279-282

Growth stages of hop (BBCH-Code), p 299-30

(translation and editor: Dieter Spaar)

A very important step for the international acceptance of the BBCH codes in plant protection was the recognition of the BBCH system by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). The EPPO (2004, 2006) made the BBCH code mandatory for all official plant protection trials.

The BBCH scale is a system for a uniform coding of phenologically-similar growth stages of all mono- and dicotyledonous plant species. It results from teamwork between scientists of

• the German Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA)*,

• the German Federal Office of Plant Varieties (BSA),

• the German Agrochemical Association (IVA) and

• the Institute for Vegetables and Ornamentals

The decimal code, which is divided into principal and secondary growth stages, uses the basic structures described by Zadoks et al. (1974) for cereals and rice and was adapted to other monocotyledonous crops and described for use for dicotyledonous and perennial crops and wild plants. The abbreviation BBCH derives from Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and CHemical industry.

The basic principles of the scale

• The general scale forms the framework within which the individual scales are developed. It can also be used for those plant species for which no special scale is currently available.

• Similar phenological stages of each plant species are given the same code.

• For each code, a description is given, and for some important stages, drawings are included.

• For the description of the phenological development stages, clear and easily recognised (external) morphological characteristics are used.

• Except where stated otherwise, only the development of the main stem is taken into consideration.

• The growth stages refer to representative individual plants within the crop stand. Crop stand characteristics may also be considered.

• Relative values relating to species- and/or variety-specific ultimate sizes are used for the indication of sizes.

• The secondary growth stages 0 to 9 correspond to the respective ordinal numbers or percentage values. For example stage 3 could represent: 3rd true leaf, 3rd tiller, 3rd node or 30% of the final length or size typical of the species or 30% of the flowers open.

• Post harvest or storage treatment is coded 99.

• Seed treatment before planting is coded 00.

Organisation of the BBCH scale

The entire developmental cycle of the plants is subdivided into ten clearly recognizable and distinguishable longer-lasting developmental phases. These principal growth stages are described using numbers from 0 to 9 in ascending order. The principal growth stages are described in Table 1. Owing to the very many different plant species there may be shifts in the course of the development or certain stages may even be omitted.

Table 1. Principal growth stages



Germination / sprouting / bud development


Leaf development (main shoot)


Formation of side shoots / tillering


Stem elongation or rosette growth / shoot development (main shoot)


Development of harvestable vegetative plant parts or vegetatively propagated organs / booting (main shoot)


Inflorescence emergence (main shoot) / heading


Flowering (main shoot)


Development of fruit


Ripening or maturity of fruit and seed


Senescence, beginning of dormancy

The principal growth stages need not proceed in the strict sequence defined by the ascending order of the figures, but can occasionally also proceed in parallel. If two or more growth stages proceed in parallel, both can be indicated by using a diagonal stroke (example 16/22). If only one stage is to be indicated, either the more advanced growth stage must be chosen or the principal growth stage of particular interest, depending upon the plant species.

The principal growth stages alone are not sufficient to define exactly application or evaluation dates, since they always describe time spans in the course of the development of a plant.

Secondary stages are used if points of time or steps in the plant development must be indicated precisely. In contrast to the principal growth stages they are defined as short developmental steps characteristic of the respective plant species, which are passed successively during the respective principal growth stage. They are also coded by using the figures 0 to 9. The combination of figures for the principal and the secondary stages, results in the two-digit code. The two-digit code (Fig. 2a) is a scale which offers the possibility of precisely defining all phenological growth stages for the majority of plant species. Only in the case of some plant species (e.g. cucumber, onion, potato, tomato, banana) is further subdivision necessary within a principal growth stage beyond that possible using the secondary stages from 0 to 9. For these cases a three-digit scale (Fig. 2b) is presented alongside the two-digit scale. This involves the inclusion of the so-called mesostage between the principal and the secondary stage, which provides a further subdivision with figures 0 and 1 describing the development on the main stem and figures 2 to 9 that of the side shoots 2nd to 9th order. In this way up to 19 leaves can be counted on the main stem or the branching can be described.

Fig. 2. Subdivision of the developmental cycle of plants into principal and secondary stages.

Fig. 2. Subdivision of the developmental cycle of plants into principal, meso- and secondary stages. The mesostages are inserted between the principal and the secondary stages.

The BBCH scales allow the comparison of individual codes only within one principal growth stage: an arithmetically greater code indicates a plant at a later growth stage. Sorting codes into numerical order therefore allows a listing in order of the stage of plant development.

The time span of certain developmental phases of a plant can be exactly defined and coded by indicating two stages. For this purpose two codes are connected with a hyphen. Thus, for instance, the code 51 - 69 describes the developmental phase from the appearance of the first inflorescence or flower buds until the end of flowering. This allows the computer-supported monitoring of crop stands.

For a uniform coding which covers the maximum number of plant species, it is necessary to use primarily phenological criteria rather than homologous or analogous stages. Thus, for instance, germination of plants from true seed and sprouting from buds are classified in one principal growth stage, the principal growth stage 0, even though they are completely different biological processes.

In the BBCH scales the descriptions are based on the actual characteristic features of the individual plant. If the scales are used for the definition of the development stage of a plant stand, the description should apply to at least 50% of the plants. Greater differences in the course of the development of different plant groups have to be taken into consideration for the description of the general scale. This problem is dealt with by offering several definitions for one specific stage wherever the formulation of a uniform text is impossible. The following letters show to which plant group the respective definition refers.

Graphical representations

All publications about the growth stages of crops and weeds include illustrations. The BBCH stage which are important for the production of the specific crop were always drawn. The important BBCH stages of each crop are always illustrated and assigned a code. Heinz Schlobach (BBA Braunschweig) drew the illustrations for the leaflet series 27. Ernst Halwass, a graphic artist from Nossen in Germany, drew most of the illustrations using a very high quality dot technique (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Illustration of the important stages of leaf vegetables – forming heads – (example).

Important scopes of uses of the BBCH scale

Taking agricultural sciences and practice as a basis, other disciplines may be able to benefit from this standard. It is applicable to areas such as botanical science, agricultural insurance and phenological observations by meteorological and climatology services.

Uses in agriculture. In the improvement of the international communication in agricultural practice and

• In plant protection to define the use pattern of a chemical.

• In plant protection field trials the BBCH scale is recommended to define the application and assessment timing.

• In plant breeding to define the main aspect of a variety like ripeness, earliness and maturity to be in the situation to correlate this data with days after sowing/ planting or with the date.

• In agricultural field testing to define the application timing of nutrients, of plant protection applications and the assessment times (EPPO 2004)

The BBCH code is included as a check list in several IT-Systems for reporting and analysis of agricultural field trial data. ARM and PIAF (Gylling and Stratmann, 2007; Michel et al. 2007; Schmidtke and Zink 2007) are two commercial systems in which the BBCH coding system is integrated as check lists.

Uses in meteorology and climatology. In the field of phenological observation as a branch of climatology there has been little international standardisation – as opposed to the measurement of meteorological parameters. Traditional phenologists in Europe, North America and China have taken notice of the BBCH codes and accepted them as helpful. In meteorology and climatology it is now possible to correlate data to a specific phenological growth stage (Brügger and Vassella, 2003 a, b; Bruns and van Vliet, 2003). Phenological phases reflect among other things the environmental characteristics of the climate in the region where they occur. Consequently, long series of phenological observations may be used for the detection of climate variability or climate change. The main objective of the action is to establish a European reference data set of phenological observations that can be used for climatological purposes, especially climate monitoring, and detection of changes.

The Global Phenological Monitoring programme (Intern. Society of Biometeorology) is fully compatible with the BBCH system. The International Phenological Garden and many other national programmes provide a comparison between the BBCH codes and their definitions. The European Phenological Data Platform for Climatological Applications (COST 725) hosted by the Austrian Central Institute of Meteorology and Geomagnetism (ZAMG) in Vienna manages its phenological data using the corresponding BBCH codes (Koch et al., 2006). The Guidelines for Plant Phenological Observations of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) highly recommend the phase definition according to the BBCH codes in a chapter of its own (Koch et al., 2007). For the reasons of continuity in traditional plant phenology, however, it will still take some time before BBCH phases are fully adopted.

Uses in agricultural insurance to describe the growth stages of the damaged plants (Meier and Langner, 1997).

Leaflet series No. 27: “Growth stages of plants “ of the Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry

Merkblatt 271: Kurtz, L., H. Lyre, J. Steinberger, W. Wedler 1979: Entwicklungsstadien bei Getreide – außer Mais. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft

Merkblatt 27/4: Meier, U., F. Schütte, 1981: Entwicklungsstadien des Mais. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft

Merkblatt 27/5: Baetz, W., U. Meier, W. Radtke, B. Schöber, L. Seidewitz, J. Steinberger 1980: Entwicklungsstadien der Kartoffel. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft

Merkblatt 27/6: Bartels, G., A. von Kries, B. Märländer, U. Meier, W. Steudel, I.-M. Wittstock 1984: Entwicklungsstadien der Zucker- und Futterrübe. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

Merkblatt 27/7: Meier, U., F. Schütte, J. Steinberger 1981: Entwicklungsstadien des Raps. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

Merkblatt 27/8: Ehle, H., F. Gmelch, H. Liebl, W. Lüders, K. Zürn: Entwicklungsstadien bei Hopfen. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

Merkblatt 27/9: Bleiholder, H, T. Eggers, M. Hanf, U. Meier 1986: Entwicklungsstadien zweikeimblättriger Unkräuter. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

Merkblatt 27/10: Kittlitz, V. E., A. v. Kries, U. Meier, R. Stülpnagel, I.-M. Wittstock 1984: Entwicklungsstadien der Faba-Bohne. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

Merkblatt 27/11: Böhm, J., W. Friedt, K. Lindemann, U. Meier 1988: Entwicklungsstadien der Sonnenblume. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

Merkblatt 27/15: Berning, A., H. Graf, J. Martin, U. Meier, W. Kennel, W. Zeller 1987: Entwicklungsstadien von Kernobst. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

Merkblatt 27/16: Berning, A., K. Hein, L. Kunze, U. Meier 1988: Entwicklungsstadien von Steinobst. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

Merkblatt 27/17: Berning, A., U. Meier, W. D. Naumann, E. Seemüller, D. Seipp 1988: Entwicklungsstadien der Erdbeere. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft.

BBCH original publications in scientific magazines (Table 2)

Agusti, M., S. Zaragoza, H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr., H. Hack, R. Klose, R. Stauss 1990: Escala BBCH para la descriptión de los estadios fenológicos del desarrollo de los agrios (Gén. Citrus). Levante Agricola 3, 189-199.

Table 2. Original publications

Crops and weeds

Scientific name

Original publication


Apricot tree

Prunus armeníaca L:

Pérez-Pastor, A. M. et al. (english)


Edible musaceae

Musa × paradisiaca L:

Gonzales, R. et al. (english)


Beta beet

Beta vulgaris L. spp.

Meier, U. et al. (german)



Triticum sp., Hordeum vulgare,

Witzenberger, A. et al. (german)


Avena sativa, Secale cereale

Lancashire, P.D. et al (english)



Zea maize L:

Weber, E., H. Bleiholder (german)


Lancashire, P. D. et al. (english)



Oryca sativa L:

Lancashire, P. D. et al. (english)


Faba bean

Vicia faba L:

Weber, E., H. Bleiholder (german)


Lancashire, P. D. et al. (english)



Helianthus annuus L:

Weber, E., H. Bleiholder (german)


Lancashire, P. D. et al. (english)


Oilseed rape

Brassica napus L:

Weber, E., H. Bleiholder (german)


Lancashire, P. D. et al. (english)


Citrus fruits

Gen. citrus

Augusti, M. et al. (spanish)


Augusti, M. et al. (french)



Coffea spp.

Arcila-Pulgarín, J. et al. (english)



Gossypium hirsutum L:

Munger, P. et al. (english)


North American ginseng

Panax quinquefolius L:

Proctor, J. T et al. (english)



Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera L:

Lorenz, D. H. et al. (german)


Lorenz, D. H. et al. (english)



Humulus lupulus L:

Rossbauer, G. et al. (german)


Loquat tree

Eriobotrya japonica L:

Martínez-Calvo, J. et al. (english)



Pisum sativum L:

Weber E., H. Bleiholder (german)


Lancashire, P. D. et al. (english)


Feller, C. et al. (german/ english)


Olive tree

Olea europaea L.

Sanz-Cortés, F. et al. (english)



Arachis hypogaea L.

Munger, P. et al. (english)


Persimmon tree

Diospyros kaki L.

García-Carbonell, S. et al. (english)


Pome fruit, apple

Malus domstica Borkh.

Meier, U. et al. (german)


Pome fruit, pear

Pyrus communis L.

Meier, U. et al. (german)


Stone fruit, cherry

Prunus cerasus L..

Meier, U. et al. (german)


Stone fruit, plum

Prunus domestica L.. ssp.domestica

Meier, U. et al. (german)


Stone fruit, peach

Prunus persica Batsch L.

Meier, U., et al. (german)


Cherimoya tree

Annona cherimola Mill.

Cautín, R. et al.


Pomgranate tree

Punica granatum L.

Melgarejo, P. et al. (english)


Currant, black

Ribes nigrum L..

Meier, U. et al. (german)


Currant, red

Ribes rubrum L.

Meier, U. et al. (german)



Fragaria x ananassa Duch.

Meier, U. et al. (german)



Solanum tuberosum L.

Hack, H. et al. (german)


Quince tree

Cydonia oblonga Mill.

Martínez-Valero, R. et al. (english)



Rubus idaeus L.

Schmidt, K. H. et al. (german)



Glycine max L. MERR.

Munger, P. et al. (english)


Bulb vegetables, onion

Allium cepa L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Bulb vegetables, leek

Allium porrum L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Bulb vegetables, garlic

Allium sativum L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Bulb vegetables, shallot

Allium ascalönicum auct. Non L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Root and stem vegetables, carrot

Daucus carota L.. ssp. sativus

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Root and stem vegetables, celeriac

Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum Gaud.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Root and stem vegetables, kohlrabi

Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Root and stem vegetables, chicory

Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Root and stem vegetables, radish

Raphanus sativus L.. ssp.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Root and stem vegetables, swede

Brassica napus L. ssp. Rapifera Metzg.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Root and stem vegetables, scorzonera

Scorzonera hispanica L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Leaf vegatables (forming heads),

Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata f. alba and rubra

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Leaf vegatables (forming heads),
chinese cabbage

Brassica chinensis L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Leaf vegetables (forming heads),

Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Leaf vegetables (forming heads),

Cichorium endivia L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Leaf vegetables, spinach

Spinacea oleracea L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Leaf vegetables, loosehead lettuce

Lactuca sativa L.. var. crispa

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Leaf vegetables, kale

Brassica oleracea L. var. sabellica

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Brussels sprout

Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera DC./Zenk.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Cucumis sativus L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Cucumis melo L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Pumpkin, marrow, squash

Cucurbita pepo L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Cucurbita pepo L. var. giromontiina

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Citrullus var. vulgaris Schad.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Solanum melongena L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Capsicum annuum L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)



Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus L.

Feller, C. et al. (german / english)


Trees and woody plants

several species

Finn, G. A. et al. (english)


Winter linseed

Linum usitatissimum L.

Smith, J. M. et al. (english)



Hess, M. et al. (english)


Agusti, M., S. Zaragoza, H. Bleiholder, L, Buhr, H. Hack, R. Klose, R. Stauss 1997: Adaptation de l'échelle à la description des stades phénologiques des agrumes du genre Citrus. Fruitsvol 52, 287-295.

Arcila-Pulgarín, J., L. Buhr, H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, U. Meier, H. Wicke 2002: Application of the „extended BBCH-Scale“ for the description of the growth stages of coffee (Coffea sp. L). Ann. appl. Biol. 141, 19-27.

Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, P. Langelüddecke, R. Stauss 1989: Einheitliche Codierung der phänologischen Stadien bei Kultur- und Schadpflanzen. Gesunde Pflanzen 41, 381-384.

Bleiholder, H., H. Kirfel, P. Langelüddecke, R. Stauss 1991: Codificação unificada dos estádios fenológicos de culturas e ervas daninhas. Pesq. agropec. bras., Brasília 26 (9), 1423-1429.

Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, P. Langelüddecke, R. Stauss 1991: Codificación uniforme para los estadios fenológicos de las plantas cultivadas y de las malas hierbas. Phytoma España, 28, 54-56.

Cautín, R., M. Agustí, 2005: Phenological growth stages of the cherimoya tree (Annona cherimola Mill.) 105, 491-497

Feldmann, F., N.T.V. Junquera, U. Meier 2005: Improvement of world wide communication by codification of plant growth stages: BBCH-Code of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss) Muell.-Arg.) Tropentag, Book of abstracts, 519.

Feller, C., H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, U. Meier, R. Stauss, T. van den Boom, E. Weber 1995: Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien von Gemüsepflanzen. II. Fruchtgemüse und Hülsenfrüchte. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 47 (8), 193-206.

Feller, C., H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, U. Meier, R. Stauss, T. van den Boom, E. Weber 1995: Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien von Gemüsepflanzen. I. Zwiebel-, Wurzel-, Knollen- und Blatt­gemüse. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 47 (9), 217-232.

Finn, G. A., A. E. Straszewski, V. Peterson 2007: A general growth stage key for describing trees and woody plants. Ann. appl. Biol. 151 (1), 127-131.

Gonzales, R., C. Ruiz-Silvera, H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, U. Meier, H. Wicke 2002: Proposal for codification of the phenological cycle of edible musaceae. Proceedings XV Reunión International ACORBAT Meeting 2002 Cartagena / Colombia, 412-417.

García-Carbonell, S., B. Yargüe, H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, U. Meier, M. Agusti 2002: Phenological growth stages of the persimmon tree (Diospyros kaki L.). Ann. appl. Biol. 141, 73-76.

Hack, H., H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr, U. Meier, U. Schnock-Fricke, R. Stauss, E. Weber, A. Witzenberger 1992: Einheitliche Codierung der phänologischen Entwicklungsstadien mono- und dikotyler Pflanzen. – Erweiterte BBCH-Skala, Allgemein –.Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 44 (12), 265-270.

Hack, H., H. Gall, T. Klemke, R. Klose, U. Meier, R. Stauss, A. Witzenberger 1993: Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien der Kartoffel (Solanum tuberosum L.). Co­dierung und Beschreibung nach der erweiterten BBCH-Skala mit Abbildungen. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 45 (1), 11-19.

Hess M., G. Barralis, H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr , T. Eggers, H. Hack, R. Stauss 1997: Use of the extended BBCH scale – general for the descriptions of the growth stages of mono- and dicotyledonous weed species. Weed Research 37, 433-441.

Lancashire P. D., H. Bleiholder, P. Langelüddecke, R. Stauss, T. van den Boom, E. Weber, A. Witzenberger 1991: An uniform decimal code for growth stages of crops and weeds. Ann. appl. Biol. 119, 561-601.

Lorenz, D. H., K. W. Eichhorn, H. Bleiholder, R. Klose, U. Meier, E. Weber 1994: Phänologische Entwicklungss­tadien der Weinrebe (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera). – Co­dierung und Beschreibung nach der erweiterten BBCH-Skala –.Vitic. Enol. Sci. 49 (2), 66-70.

Lorenz, D. H., K. W. Eichhorn, H. Bleiholder, R. Klose, U. Meier, E. Weber 1995: Phenological growth stages of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera) – Codes and descriptions according to the extended BBCH scale, Australian J. Grape and Wine Research 1, 91-103.

Martínez-Calvo, J., M. L. Badenes, G. Llacer, H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, U. Meier 1999: Phenological growth stages of loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.). Ann. appl. Biol. 134, 353-357.

Martínez-Valero, R., P. Melgarejo, D. M. Salazar, R. Martínez, J. Martínez, F. Hernándes 2001: Phenological stages of the quince tree (Cydonia oblonga Mill.). Ann. appl. Biol. 139, 189-192.

Meier, U., L. Bachmann, E. Buhtz, H. Hack, R. Klose, B. Märländer, R. Stauss, E. Weber 1993: Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien der Beta-Rüben (Beta vulgaris L. ssp.). Codierung und Beschreibung nach der erweiterten BBCH-Skala mit Abbildungen. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 45 (2), 37-41.

Meier, U., H. Graf, H. Hack, M. Hess, W. Kennel, R. Klose, D. Mappes, D. Seipp, R. Stauss, J. Streif, T. van den Boom 1994: Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien des Kern­obstes (Malus domstica Borkh. und Pyrus communis L.) des Steinobstes (Prunus-Arten), der Johannisbeere (Ribes-Arten) und der Erdbeere (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.). Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 46 (7), 141-153.

Munger, P., H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Stauss, T. van den Boom, E. Weber 1997: Phenological growth stages of the soybean plant (Glycine max (L.) MERR.). Codification and description according to the general BBCH scale – with figures. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 179, 209-217.

Munger, P., H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Stauss, T. van den Boom, E. Weber 1998: Phenological growth stages of the cotton plant (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Co­dification and description according to the BBCH scale – with figures. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 180, 143-149.

Munger, P., H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Stauss, T. van den Boom, E. Weber 1998: Phenological growth stages of the peanut plant (Arachis hypogaea L.). Codification and description according to the BBCH scale – with figures. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 180, 101-107.

Melgarejo, P., R. Martínez-Valero, J. M. Guillamón, M. Miró, A. Amorós 1997: Phenological stages of the pomegranate tree (Punica granatum L.), Ann. appl. Biol. 130, 135-140.

Pérez-Pastor, A, M. C. Ruiz-Sánches, R. Domingo, A. Torrecillas 2004: Growth stages and phenological stages of Bulidia apricot trees in south-east Spain. Agronomie 24, 93-100.

Proctor, J. T. A., M. Dorais, H. Bleiholder, A. Willis, H. Hack, U. Meier 2003: Phenological growth stages of North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.). Ann. appl. Biol. 143, 311-317.

Rossbauer, G., L. Buhr, H. Hack, S. Hauptmann, R. Klose, U. Meier, R. Stauss, E. Weber 1995: Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien von Kultur-Hopfen (Humulus lupulus L.). Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 47 (10), 249-253.

Sanz-Cortés, F., J. Martínez-Calvo, M. L. Badenes, H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, G. Llácer, U. Meier 2002: Phenological growth stages of olive trees (Olea europaea L.). Ann. appl. Biol. 140, 151-157.

Schmidt, K., H. Höhn, B. Graf, H. Höpli 2001: Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien der Himbeere (Rubus idaeus L.). Agrarforschung 8 (5), 215-222.

Smith, J. M., M. A. Froment 1998: A growth stage key for winter linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Ann. appl. Biol. 133, 297-306.

Stülpnagel, R., U. Meier, E. von Kittlitz 1986: Entwicklungsskala für Fababohnen (Vicia faba L.). Fachzeitschrift für Öl- und Eiweißpflanzen, Raps 1, 33-35.

Weber E., H. Bleiholder 1990: Erläuterungen zu den BBCH-Dezimal-Codes für die Entwicklungsstadien von Mais, Raps, Faba-Bohne, Sonnenblume und Erbse – mit Abbildungen. Gesunde Pflanzen 42,308-321.

Witzenberger, A., H. Hack, T. van den Boom 1989: Erläuterungen zum BBCH-Dezimal-Code für die Entwicklungsstadien des Getreides – mit Abbildungen. Gesunde Pflanzen 41, 384-388.

Publications in press or preparation

Meier, U., H. Bleiholder, H. Brumme, E. Bruns, B. Meh­ring, T. Proll, J. Wiegand: Phenological growth stages of roses (Rosa sp.). Codification and description according to the BBCH Scale. Ann. appl. Biol. Published in 2009.

Niemenak, N., C. Cilas, C. Rohsius, H. Bleiholder, U. Meier, R. Lieberei: Phenological growth stages of cacao plants (Theobroma sp. L.). Codification and description according to the BBCH scale. Ann. appl. Biol. submitted June 2008.

Feldmann, F, N.T.V. Junqueira, H. Bleiholder, U. Meier: Phenological growth stages of the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.-Arg.): Codification and description according to the BBCH Scale. In preparation.


Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, L. Buhr, C. Feller, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, U. Meier, R. Stauss et E. Weber 1997: Compendium pour l´identification des stades phénologiques des espéces mono- et dicotylédones cultivées. 2ieme Edition, Novartis, Basel, 107 p.

Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, L. Buhr, C. Feller, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, P. D. Lancashire, U. Meier, P. Mun­ger, R. Stauss, E. Weber 1997: Compendium of growth stage identification keys for mono- and dicotyledonous plants. 2nd Edition, Novartis, Basel, 103 p.

Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, L. Buhr, C. Feller, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, P. Lancashire, U. Meier, P. Mun­ger, R. Stauss, E. Weber 1997: Kompendium der phäno­logischen Entwicklungsstadien mono- und dikotyler Pflanzen . 2. Auflage, Novartis, Basel, 107 S.

Bleiholder, H. (Ed.), 1997: Compendio para la identificación de los estadios fenológicos de especies mono-y dicotiledóneas cultivadas. BASF Aktiengesellschaft, 106p.

Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, L. Buhr, C. Feller, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, P. D. Lancashire, U. Meier, P. Mun­ger, R. Stauss, E. Weber 1999: BBCH compendium for growth stage identification keys for mono- and dico­tyledoneous plants. CD-ROM. Novartis, Basel.

Stauss, R., H. Bleiholder, T. van den Boom, L. Buhr, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, U. Meier, E. Weber 1994: Einheitliche Codierung der phänologischen Entwicklungs­stadien mono- und dikotyler Pflanzen. Ciba-Geigy AG, Basel, S. 58.

Stauss, R. (Ed.), 1994: Compendium of growth stage identification keys for mono- and dicotyledoneous plants. Ciba-Geigy Ltd., Basel, 99 p.

Stauss, R. (Ed.), 1994: Compendium pour l´identification des stades phénologiques des espéces mono- et dicotylédones cultivées. Ciba-Geigy Ltd., Basel, 104 p.

Books or leaflets

Meier, U., R. Langner 1997: BBCH Monograph. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, p 21.

Meier, U. (Ed.), 1997: BBCH-Monograph. Growth stages of plants – Entwicklungsstadien von Pflanzen – Esta­dios de las plantas – Développement des Plantes. Blackwell Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin und Wien, p. 622.

Meier, U., 2003: Phenological growth stages, 270-238. In: Schwarz, M. D. (Ed.): Phenology: An integrative science. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht / Boston / London, p 564.

Meier, U., H. Bleiholder 2006: BBCH Skala. Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien wichtiger landwirtschaft­licher Kulturen, einschließlich Blattgemüse und Unkräu­ter. Agrimedia GmbH. Bergen/Dumme, 70 S.


Meier, U., 2001: Growth stages of mono-and dicotyledonous plants – BBCH Monograph. The BBCH codes are on homepage of the Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI): – publications.

BBCH-scale as PDF-file in four languages:
BBCH germanBBCH englischBBCH frenchBBCH spanich

The creation of the BBCH coding system and the description of the plant growth stages is an achievement of many scientists and technical staff from numerous countries. The authors thank all colleagues who carried out the scientific and technical work with much patience and perseverance. The development of the BBCH coding system over such a long time requires substantial financial support. We would therefore like to thank the chemical companies BASF, Bayer CropScience, Syngenta and the German Agrochemical Association (IVA). Special thanks go to the "Gemeinschaft der Förderer und Freunde der Biologischen Bundesanstalt" (GFF, now known as the Julius Kühn-Institut). The GFF has helped to achieve the necessary quality by giving quick and unbureaucratic financial support.

Adamczewski, K., K. Matysiak, 2005: Klucz do określamia faz rozwojowych roślin jedno- i dwuliściennych w skali BBCH. Institut Ochrony Roslin, p 134.

Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, P. Langelüddecke, R. Stauss, 1989: Einheitliche Codierung der phänologischen Stadien bei Kultur- und Schadpflanzen. Gesunde Pflanzen 41, 381-384.

Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, P. Langelüddecke, R. Stauss, E. Weber, 1990: Einheitliche Codierung der phänologischen Stadien bei Kultur- und Schadpflanzen. Mitt. Biol. Bundesanst. Land- Forstwirtsch. 266, 466.

Bleiholder, H., H. Kirfel, P. Langelüddecke, R. Stauss, 1991: Codificação unificada dos estádios fenológicos de culturas e ervas daninhas. Pesq. agropec. bras., Brasília, 26 (9), 1423-1429.

Bleiholder, H., T. van den Boom, P. Langelüddecke, R. Stauss, 1991:. Codificación uniforme para los estadios fenológicos de las plantas cultivadas y de las malas hierbas. Phytoma España 28, 54-56.

Brügger, R., A. Vassella, 2003a: Pflanzen im Wandel der Jahreszeiten. Geographica Bernensia, Bern, Switzerland, 287 pp.

Brügger, R., A. Vassella, 2003b: Anleitung für phänologische Be­obachter. Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie, p 71.

Bruns, E., F.-M. Chmielewski, A.J.H. van Vlieth, 2003: The global phenological monitoring concept, 93 – 104. In: Schwartz, M. D. (Ed.): Phenology: An integrative science. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht / Boston / London, p 564.

Bruns E., A.J.H. van Vliet, 2003: Standardisation of phenological monitoring in Europe. European phenological network. Wageningen University and Deutscher Wetterdienst, p 79.

Buhtz, E., L. Boese, C. Grunert, W. Hamann, 1990: Koordinierter Dezimalcode (KDC) der phänologischen Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Kulturpflanzen. Gemüse, Obst und Sonderkulturen. Feldversuchswesen, 7/1, Berlin.

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Gylling, S., B. Stratmann, 2007: ARM trial management software products, 277. In: Bleiholder H., H.-P. Piepho (Ed.): Agricultural Field Trials – Today and Tomorrow, Proceedeings of the International Symposium 08 – 10 October 2007, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany. Verlag Grauer, Beuren Stuttgart.

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By now: Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI). Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants

Journal für Kulturpflanzen, 61 (2). S. 41–52, 2009, ISSN 0027-7479, DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2009.02.01, Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart (2025)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.